Discover the enchanting allure and transformative power of quartz crystal bowls. Crafted from pure quartz crystal, these exquisite instruments resonate with sublime beauty and holistic benefits. Immerse yourself in the celestial tones that emanate from each carefully crafted bowl, harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.
Quartz crystal bowls are not just musical instruments; they are conduits of positive energy, inviting serenity and balance into your life. Their soothing vibrations can cleanse negative energies, promote healing, and enhance meditation practices. Feel the gentle waves of sound wash over you, revitalizing your being and restoring harmony within.
When seeking the perfect quartz crystal bowl, trust in the source. Each bowl carries its own unique energy, shaped by its craftsmanship and origin. Ensure you acquire your bowl from a trusted supplier, one who respects the sacred nature of these crystals and understands the importance of their energetic integrity.
Embrace the sublime beauty and profound benefits of quartz crystal bowls, and let their pure vibrations elevate your spiritual journey to new heights.
6 inch Sonic Crystal Bowl
B note
Quartz Crystal
Comes with a Rubber Mallet/ Silicone ring to ensure proper resonance / Carrying case.